Once I received them I started at once. The first thing that you do when you get your cloth diapers, is the run them through a couple washes. The new fabric is not as absorbent at first, so washing them helps them to hold moisture better. Now I really got into using them and have been experimenting with the cleaning process. I have done a lot of research and have talked to several other moms that use cloth diapers. I have gotten advice like, using downy, hanging them in the sun to dry, using country save detergent, doing just a hot wash, using tide detergent, etc. Some of a few things that I have found out since I started using them:
- I love using oxyclean detergent
- do not use fabric softeners or dryer sheets
- I still don't know how I feel about the country save laundry detergent but I paid $20 for the box so I am still going to use it

- I do one cold wash and then a hot wash with detergent both times (country save and oxyclean)
- wet bags are a MUST HAVE
- you have to wash them every 2 days
- it really only is worth it if you have an high efficiency washer and dryer so you don't use too much water
- dry them on low heat (in the process of putting up a dryer line outside) - don't use rash creams. You don't really need them with these diapers (** UPDATE the buttons of the diapers would get stuck in the drum of my dryer and break the buttons, so I only air dry now)
- diaper sprayers make it so much easier to clean
I'm not going to lie, it can be gross, but it is so worth it, to me. I am saving money, saving the garbage dump, and essentially saving the planet, one diaper at a time. Ha!
Just a note, Oh Katy diapers are on sale for the month July, buy 4 get 1 FREE!!!