Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mozzarella Yumminess!!

I was told by my coworker earlier last summer that you could make your own Mozzarella cheese from a gallon of whole milk.  I got so excited I looked more into it.  I LOVE fresh mozzarella, especially with fresh home grown tomatoes.  So I tracked down the cheese kit that she suggested.  The kit is called Ricki's Cheesemaking Kit by the New England Cheese Company.  They are based out of Massachusetts but The Beehive Cheese Company sells their kits for $25 in Ogden.  Now if you dont live in northern Utah, just check the cheesemaking site and it will tell you a list of local suppliers.

I quickly got home with my kit and a gallon of Whole milk from Sams Club and got started.  I quickly found out that Sams Club milk is Ultra-Pasteurized and does not work.  I then went to a local dairy in Riverdale, "Johnny'a Dairy," and bought another gallon of whole milk from them.  Although they are suppose to be a supplier of un-pasteurized milk as per the cheesemaking website's list (for that list click here).  So I then found Winder Dairy has un-pasteurized Whole milk and Smiths and Harmons carries it.  So I went and tried out their milk.  It worked wonderfully!  Let me tell you, it tastes AMAZING too!
Here is my first successful ball of Fresh Mozzarella Cheese!

Its not very pretty, but it sure did taste good especially on my delicious Dixie Gold tomatoes!

Go try it!  It really only takes about 30 minutes from start to finish once you know what you are doing.

Now I just want my own goats so I can try it from goats milk.  Mmmm!

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