Saturday, February 9, 2013

Farm Fresh Eggs

My girls are now in full production!  Last fall we got our first egg from one of the Golden Girls (Buff Orpingtons).  

Once winter set in, we added a supplemental light and a water heater to keep them going.  Chickens are like plants, they need at least 12-14 hours of light inorder to lay.  About a month ago, we started getting eggs from all 4 of our ladies.  We have 2 Buff's, 1 Bantum, and 1 Silkie.  I chose chickens that produce brown or light brown eggs, but the smaller the chicken the smaller the egg. So the eggs very is size for the most part. But it is still so fun to take Stella out there to collect the eggs from them each day.

Its pretty awesome how much work you dont really have to put into raising chickens.  I love the fact that they are able to proved us fresh eggs on a daily basis!  I love our little farm!

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